Posts Tagged ‘Webcam’

WTMFI Wednesdays Button

“R U LOL?”

CherriesThis Week’s Questions

  1. Have you ever used your cellphone to send racy pictures or messages?
  2. Do you use a webcam for sexual purposes?
  3. How often do you have cyber sex?
  4. Do you use the internet to look at porn?
  5. Do you think X-rated content is too easy to access or too difficult?

What’s your stance on long-distance online relationships?


  • Each week, for Wednesday, you post answers to the five questions that are posted. You may answer all, or only one or two of the questions. You can post in whichever format works for you, be it video, poetry, answers, pictures or audio.
  • Insert the WTMFI Wednesdays image at the top of this post (get instructions here) into your post, linking back to The Rantings of a Tortured Mind – XXX Rated Edition at
  • Leave a link to your post with the answered questions in the comments section of Wednesday’s WTMFI post. There is a special page for all the links that are submitted, so be sure to submit your links.
  • Have Fun!!!!
  • …Click the Read More button to see Valerie Rayne’s answers …


    So, if the next six days are anything like the first day, it’s going to be a great Birthday Holiday week for The Boyfriend and I! Well great in one sense, there’s the whole issue of my lunatic brother right now. So that’s putting a pretty big damper on things…

    As I’ve said, The Boyfriend has taken a week off for his birthday. Yesterday was his first day off, and it was all around a great day. He managed to stay awake all day, and even stayed up late so that we could have some fun. And boy, did we ever have fun.

    Hours upon hours of torturous teasing. He kept saying, “You’ll be begging for it by the end of the night”, and he was definitely right. I even got a hairbrush spanking, though it’s been awhile since I had one, plus I had almost two weeks of sexual frustration all pent up, so I was hyper-sensitive to every little touch. Needless to say, the sharp, stinging thud from the plastic hairbrush, was almost too much for me, so I only got maybe four or five quick smacks. Satisfied me though!

    He was talking ever so dirty to me, and I absolutely love when he does that. We even put on a sex playlist, if you will, because we both wanted background noise (it started getting annoying to flip through porn on the PS3 without a keyboard or mouse!). And The Boyfriend, the hopeless romantic that he is, even had to set the atmosphere, turning off all the lights (even the computer monitor!) and lighting a bunch of strategically placed candles.

    My lunatic brother had to be a damper once or twice during the beginning of our session. And even though it was annoying as fuck, the upside is, our session dragged on forever, through relentless hours of teasing. By the time we finally got down to action, I could hardly contain myself, though he seemed to be doing a spectacular job!

    As his stellar tongue rhythmically tickled my clit, I was brought to the ultimate and long awaited orgasm. I swear I saw the entire night flash before my eyes, as I asked, “Can I cum?” and was quickly given a “Yes!”. Everything turned white for a split moment, and he was inside me cumming with me, his balls contracting against my asshole. Pure ecstacy…

    After that, we were both exhausted and slightly giggly about the encounter that had just took place. We went straight to bed, and made a vow to do “that” more often! This morning, I let him sleep in and in the afternoon, he let me sleep. So we both made up for the lost hours of sleep last night, which was awesome as well.

    Today has been full of planning for future sexpeditions on this next six days off. A couple days ago, for the first time in a very very, probably slightly embarrassing, long time, I went out and bought myself some make-up. A little blush, some eyeliner, mascara (which I’ve never owned!), and nail polish. About a month ago, a cousin of mine gave me these really cute heels. So we’ve agreed, some more foot photos are on their way!!

    The last foot photo installment I did, was back in the summer, or as we call them around here, “the good ole days”. I did a set during a nail painting session, sadly it was the last time that year that I painted my nails… Then I did another set when we went for, literally, a day of camping somewhere near Nordegg.

    I haven’t done another set since then, because I ran out of nail polish. And while everyone else might be okay with bare toenails, I’m not so much okay with it. I prefer to have nailpolish on when feet pictures are being taken. So I took the liberty of buying two new shades, and I plan on doing up a make-up and nailpolish night as soon as I find an outfit that I like to go with it (because I can’t do one thing, if I’m not going to do the other. It’d take the whole she-bang to get me feeling the kind of sexy I want to feel!).

    I’m super stoked to do some pictures. It’s been a really long time! Almost too long. I’ve enlisted The Boyfriend to do more of the photography this time, hopefully he’ll be able to manage. Get him to take a picture of a landscape, flowers or weird looking trees, he produces masterpieces without any type of touch up being needed. Get him to take pictures of living things, like humans – and especially naked living things – they always turn out blurry, the lighting is always weird and there seems to be an odd shadow in every one.

    I’m hoping we can figure out a way to solve all these issues, and that I’ll take control and be sort of a director, since I have an idea of what I want to do for pictures. I wish I knew more about photography in general. I have so many ideas for what I’d like to see for photos. Especially how I’d like myself to look in a photo. Though I can never seem to nail it on the head (unless it’s photos of my feet in the water, and then I think it looks beautiful and magnetic). I think one of these days, I’m gonna end up taking a photography class.

    Same with, one of these days, I’m gonna either purchase a really good webcam or I’m gonna get an awesome video camera, and start making home movies. It’d be so cool to take that from a hobby to a career! I’d love to make my own porn, and see it the way I wanted to see it, since I never can seem to find anything that I’m not overly critical and hardly turned on by… Maybe I’m just too picky 😉

    Well I must end this writing, as it’s almost time to cut The Boyfriend’s hair and then take a nice, hot and hopefully kinky shower. Anyone else have an astounding sexual experience lately? Wanna tell me about it in the comments? Do it up!